Friday, April 23, 2010

Throwing my stuff away

I am in the phase of my life, whereby I have closed one chapter and am preparing to move on to a new one. As I prepare for the change, I wrote down on my list of 'Things-To-Do' - to carry out a spring cleaning exercise.

But everytime I want to start on it, 2 things happen:
(i) I do not know where to begin, because there are so much junk around.
(ii) I want to throw away some of these junk, but as I have a second look at it, I figured that it might be of use in the future or still hold some value to me.
And just as I was about to give up, I realised that I wasn't the only one facing this BIG personal problem. Sumiko Tan was down with the same problem, as I bumped into her article as I catch up on some of the old news. And in one of the thoughts penned down by her, she shared, "The most painful is when you have a sentimental attachment to the item. Discarding it means you are now saying goodbye foreve to its memory. But must one take such hard and heartless decisions on something that marks a period in your life when you were happy?"
     To know that I am not the only one facing this issue, I feel consoled. But I know I am not going to stop right there. What little progress I make is still a step away from the past and a step closer to the future.
     Echoing her thoughts, decluterring poses many dilemmas but this time round I must do it - and I also want to. And once the detritus of my life has been binned, I'll feel lighter and better able to face the future. I'm sure.

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