Thursday, August 09, 2007

GOAL! So, what's the score?

Today, I just chatted with Melissa, my new-found friend. One topic talked about was on goals. I felt inspired whilst talking to her, because she mentioned that she set annual goals, do mid-year reviews and carry out adjustments. That's a rare breed of people around.

Bringing myself back to childhood, I remember the times when I wrote NEW YEAR resolutions and they sounded more like Santa Claus wishlist instead. Life has since moved on.

I know I can go on to achive great things in life. I just need personal and valuable goals that drive me there. Only when I have established & defined my goals, then will I find myself working towards it.

Am I prepared?

Today, I delivered my Project 8 speech in Toastmasters. My speech was on how to become a better speaker. One of the points I shared was to be PREPARED. One must be prepared - know the audience, write your speech objective and rehearse.

How prepared am I in toastmasters? Reflecting back in life, how ready am I to take on everyday challenges? I thought about it and realise that I wasn't. I have just let my days slip by, fighting off my work assignments and appointments.

I sank into the chair. I should do something about my life. Rather than let my weeks get washed away, I should set and accomplish my weekly objectives. From today onwards, let me take control of my life and lead a more purposefully life.