Tuesday, April 13, 2010

You don't treasure it until it's gone

How often do we hear this saying - 'you don't treasure it until it is gone'? I guess we always fail to fully understand the meaning of this statement until we experience it ourselves. And that is the problem with humans - why can't we learn from these wise sayings? Why do we have to allow history to repeat itself before we understand the importance of it?

I have been having flu and running nose for the past week. Though that has almost recovered, my throat has worsened. It must have been inflamed so that I lost my voice. My voice has been hoarse the past 2 days. Today, I lost it. In addition, my throat developed an itch and start forcing me to cough.

I know this can't last forever. It should recover, though I am not sure how long it would take. Afterall, symptoms of a respiratory system breakdown started since 01-Apr. Is this God's way of playing an April Fool's day joke on me? Or is it time for me to realise that I should treasure what I usually take for granted - my throat, my vocal cords and even my existence?

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