Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Success of Cooling Off Day

I watched Cooling Off Day - a sold-out play by Wild Rice. It was re-staged - once again to yet another full house. Maybe because this is one play that every one could associate themselves with or maybe because this is a play that everyone could understand.
'Because there lies this deep hunger', was one of the quotes within this insightful play.

I asked - what this deep hunger is. Is there truly a hunger in people wanting to vote? And if so, why? Is it because citizens now want a choice? Is it because they are starting to 'think'? Or is it because they have been dis-satisified with the ruling party for too long?

In GE 2011, I had the opportunity to vote. To make a careful decision, I read the newspapers and followed the main stream media. I also attended 3 rallies to get an alternative opinion. Afterall, we always questioned the subjectivity of the press releases & how diplomatically correct they sounded.

Maybe it was lack of justice & lack of freedom of the press that led to the success of this production. Maybe audience are surprised at how this play managed to spill out the beans & voice the displeasure amongst all the Singaporeans.

In my personal opinion, I am never in support of the 'Cooling Off' Day prior to the day of voting. But I must say - this Cooling Day production has won my vote.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Singapore Airshow 2012

I attended the Singapore Airshow 2012. It felt fantastic to be back to such an event after missing it 2 years ago. One of the crowd turners was the aerial display. I thought the event organisers did put much effort in getting the best from around the world to deliver the highlight of the event.

The aerial display consists of the F15 & F16, the Globermaster C-17, the Smokely Bandits & the Roulettes. All displayed great maneourves. I always had great admiration for the teams' aerial display, as such performances usually require close coordination & significant training.

One other important element is the great amount of trust each member has of their fellow team mates & the leader of the pack. Flying at such close distances, the most difficult task is not for them to learn to follow closely. Instead, it's the trailing team members who need to have complete faith that the leader will lead the way, fly the intended path & give the precise commands.
Often than not, we as humans, are full of suspicions. Indeed, how can we learn to less wary?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What I Like About My Job

6 months have passed, like the blink of an eye. Memories of my first day at work still etched strongly at the back of my mind. Back then, I was filled myself as much anxiety as with anticipation, as I wonder how I would embrace this career switch into the teaching industry.

6 months later, I realised that time has passed so quickly that I wished I had been more careful in relishing every moment. There were times when I mis-used my time & the day went by quickly. There were times when I fully utilised my time & & the day still went by quickly. Time and tide waits for no man. It's really up to each individual to sieze every moment there is - to squeeze every minute of each work day.... And so, as I looked back, I asked myself - what do I like about my job?

What I like:
1. To interact with students & colleagues
2. To make a positive difference to the growth of students
3. To conduct classes in an interesting & personalised manner
4. To engage in learning & applying new knowledge
5. To have that flexibility to plan & control my day
6. To have the occasional free time to run errands
7. To have that possibility to do the things I like to do - travel, masters, etc...

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Ben Hur - Strong Faith in One's Belief

I watched Ben-Hur - a 3 hr 40 min movie that was released in 1959. It was an epic film that has won a record 11 Academy Awards. Though such movies are not applicable for today's attention-deficit audience, I am glad I watched the movie in DVD format, spacing it out over 2 nights.

The movie's main actor was Judah Ben-Hur. Based in AD 26, he was a wealthy prince and merchant in Jerusalem. In the movie, he was pitted against his childhood friend, Messala, who grew up to believe in the glory of Rome and its imperial power. However, Ben-Hur was one who believed in Jesus and not the prosperity of the city - Rome - as a God. 

However, he became Messala's scapegoat when he accidentally injured the new Governor of Judea. His belief was further tested when he was condemned to the galleys and his loved ones were imprisoned. It was Jesus who saved him when he collapsed whilst dying of thrist. He had to serve as a galley slave - chained to the oars as he was whipped to propel Roman ships to war.

All this time, his belief stays strong - that Jesus will aid him - to free him and re-unite him with his Mum & his sister. He seeks vengence & eventually that led to Messala's death. And it is through the faith in Jesus that both his Mum and his sister are healed from leprosy.
Food for though - What is the level of faith that we have today? What is our belief?

Thursday, February 09, 2012


Today, I had yet another session. Instead of Tuesday with Morrie, it was Thursday with FL. He was in school today and so we lunched together. As it was a relaxed day with no lessons, we had a long lunch amidst a less crowded canteen.

One of today's topics was on self-centeredness. To start the discussion right, we first established that everyone in this world is self-centered.. (By the way, there is a difference between 'selfish' & 'self-centered'.) Without this attribute, there wouldn't be the passion to achieve your personal goal, improve your personal well-being or increase your personal wealth. Being self-centered drives us to complete tasks with eagerness & commitment.

However, that should not be the primary basis when carrying out our tasks. Instead, we should always do it for the organisation, do it for our loved ones or do it for our friends. It was mentioned that a organisation without self-centered people will sustain through time. If the leader serves the organisation in such a way his primary aim is to make the organisation succeed, then the tasks he do will be reflected through that aim. However, that does not mean he doesn't care about himself. He can still put himself second & ensure that his values are aligned to that of the organisation. Each can still find their individual meaning in carrying out such activities.

On the other hand,, if he has egocentric thoughts, then the things he does will not be for the sake of the organisation. Recently, I have encountered such a self-centered team. The self-absorbed leaders strive to achieve many personal goals - organising special segments, delivering individual speeches, achieving personal titles, boasting their positions, etc. But they have neglected to engage the members. Maybe they have forgotten that to be a good leader, one must be learn to serve.

And that is why I have chosen to distant myself away from such people. Maybe I do have that egomania in me. And maybe I am not so magnanimous. But whatever the reason, I know I have the choice to decide who I want to forge my friendship with.

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Wicked - true or false?

I watched the Musical 'Wicked' at Marina Bay Sands together with my wife. It was a box-office hit throughout the world & the most expensive performance I have seen to date. And my seat wasn't even amongst the top 3 most expensive tiers of tickets.

Elphaba has earned the title 'The Wicked Witch of the West'. But did she really deserve such a title? Afterall, (i) she was conceived as a green-skinned baby, (ii) she revealed an innate magical talent in sudden anger, (iii) she held views that were opposed to her society's norm, (iv) she defied the Wizard because he was full of evil intentions, (v) her father "died of shame"  as was mentioned by her sister, (vi) she did not initally use her new-found powers to help her own sister, and (vii) Boq believing that Elphaba has cursed him into a Tin Man when it was actually her sister.

Is she born wicked?
Or was she perceived as wicked?
Or did she turn wicked?

If society has the ability to mould even a kind soul into an evil one, then maybe shouldn't we start to be wary of how society's view on us might make us who we will be.