Monday, July 08, 2013

Being More Complete in Despicable Me 2

Despicable Me 2 was raved about because this sequel was done with the intention to please every type of audience. It was thrilling, romantic, humorous and yet childish. Thrilling because Gru tried to go undercover to find out who the villian was; Romantic because Gru eventually fell in love with his working accomplice, Lucy Wilde; Humorous because the minions made countless attempts to outsmart the audience with their less-than-perfect acts. Childish because his 3 daughters played a more significant role this time.
Yet this movie aims to be educational - with the good fighting the bad, the father caring for his daughters, the importance of Mum's love, etc. Was it trying too hard to please? I thought so, but it managed to win my heart over.

Sunday, July 07, 2013

When Being Unfit Becomes a Reality

I knew I was gaining several pounds. With some denial, I was wishing that the extra weight gained would go away soon. But I was wrong. Afterall, food is my weak spot and I tried not to allow leftover food go to waste.

Nevertheless, I was still hoping that I can scrap through the yearly IPPT. I have been obtaining Silver for countless times. However, recently my standards have dropped to that of Pass. With no training to 'back' me up, I wasn't sure what my fitness level was. With no resolve to train, I knew I was in deep shit.
Indeed, when I took my IPPT yesterday, I failed my 2.4km run! I did everything I could, ranging from an early morning drive to pick up my running gear from office to pacing myself for every lap. I knew 2.4km would be my weakest station, but it has never been my downfall. I never failed IPPT in my life. What it meant - is that I am now classified as a FAILURE - an unfit individual.

2 seconds was what separated me from a PASS. If only I trained and exercised more, if only I controlled my weight more, if only I had my determination... Now I only blame myself.

With a few more days left to go before my deadline approaches, I asked with scepticism whether I would have that required level of fitness to pass the IPPT with a retry. Otherwise, remedial training (RT) would soon follow. RT might get me back into shape, or even to have a poke at my self-esteem. With a do-or-die mission for that re-try, I now hope for luck to pull me through...

Monday, July 01, 2013

Becoming Unfit in My Quest to Be Fit

I have originally set some 2013 resolutions and one of them was to be fit. There are 2 targets I set out at the start of the year - (i) To lose some weight and monitor the progress of my weight, and (ii) To exercise regularly.

I started off on the right note - with an initial purchase of a digital weighing machine. That allowed me to track my weight accurately, as it measures in increments of 0.1kg. I lost some weight initially and I attributed that little success to the careful selection of food during the day. However, after a maximum weight loss of 2.1kg, my weight stagnated and I guessed that was when I gave up hope of any further weight loss. Recently, my weight started ballooning. Now at the half-way point of 2013, my mass is sadly more than what I started off 6 months ago. I couldn't find any reasons, except for a recent lack of discipline in the snacks I gobble.
Exercising was going to tough. I seemed to understand the importance of keeping fit, but always failed to put it into action. Besides minor successes at brisk walking, slow jogging and some outdoor sun, I failed miserably in creating any routine of keeping fit. With the requirement of having to pass my IPPT soon, I now fear for the worse. I wonder if I can scrap through yet another year of IPPT, without the rigours of exercising. Or has my luck run out as I faced the possibility of failure and the punishment of carrying out remedial training to get myself back into shape?