Thursday, August 14, 2008

Detaching the feeling of getting attached

I had a revelation recently. No matter how much free time I had, I would never be free. That is because I am a guy who would fill my schedule with activities.

I had lots of free time recently. And all seemed to pass away very quickly. I spent them catching up with old friends and meeting up new ones. But it was never enough, for there are so many long-lost friends to catch up with and so many more new ones that I would like to know.

I then realised that there was a mixed feeling in my heart. I had told myself to stay clear of relationships, after my break-up 4 months ago. While my mind was conscious of the rule, my heart had yearned for a partner that I could share my thoughts with. There was this hidden agenda that even I was not aware of until recently.

Today, I asked myself - I am not ready. Why bother think about this issue when my body is confused? Maybe it is a sign from above. Maybe I should isolate the feeling of getting attached for the time being. Maybe I should just be anti-social and understand what's really ME.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Journey to the Center of the Earth

I watched the movie 'the Journey of the Center of the Earth' recently. It was a fast-paced adventure movie that was filled with modern visuals. It was about a scientist who believed and went on to explore the Center of the Earth with some leads on a possible entry via Iceland. In the process, the movie intirduced many sightings, such as dinosaurs and other strange prehistoric creatures.

For once, I allowed myself to be intrigued by the CGI effects.

We all live a real world. Fascination rarely works. And maybe that is why we do not daydream. Or is it just me? Am I taking life too seriously? Maybe I should continue to fascinate and live my life with the travels of the world. A journey not to the center of the Earth, but all round the earth. And maybe that is why my heart tells me Australia has to be my next sighting.

Monday, August 11, 2008

My Ambition

Recently, I did some spring-cleaning and chanced upon an essay I wrote when I was only 12.
It allowed me to reflect upon 2 issues:
(i) I have a dream since I was young. The dream was ambitous, defined and yet motivating enough for me to put my best foot fwd when it comes to studies.
(ii) One of my values I behold is JUSTICE. Being fair and impartial is what I had always been. I had been a prefect. I have been a scout. I work hard to achieve things that I had wanted for.

Today, I ask what my dream is and if my dream has been blurred. Today, I ask if I still hold onto justice in a degrading society. This is unlike 1992. Today, answers are harder to find.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Your Mind is a Magnet

Another story that gave me food for thought -
How often do you...
- bump into old friends in unlikely places?
- learn a new word, and suddenly you see it everywhere?
- hum an old tune, and then hear it on the radio? How often do you think about someone - and seconds later they phone you? Coincidence? Not really? Your mind is a magnet. Happy people attract other happy people. Positive thinks attract opportunities. Crooks attract crooks.

Thoughts might be invisible they they are REAL things - just like electricity or gravity. If you sweat enough about going broke, it will happen. If you worry enough about getting sick, it will happen.

Picture yourself surrounded by true friends - and you'll find them. Picture success, and work toward it, and you are on your way.

Your life is not a lottery. You attract what you think about.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008


I have just read this story that inspired me -
My friend John Froppe was born with no arms. But John never asks the question, "WHY do I have no arms?" The question he asks is, "WHAT can I do with my feet?" Having watched John eat with chopsticks, I say, "Almost anything!"

When tragedy strikes, or when we lose everything, or when a lover walks out on us, the question we usually ask is "WHY?"
"WHY me?"
"WHY now?"
"WHY did she leave me for a loser?"

Asking "WHY?" questions can send us crazy. Often, there is no answer to "WHY?" Or it doesn't matter why! Effective people ask "WHAT?" questions...
"WHAT am I going to do about it?"
"WHAT do I learn from this?"

When the situation is really desperate, they ask, "WHAT can I do, just in the next 24 hours, to make things better?"

The happiest people don't bother about whether life is fair. They just make the most of what they have. And is life "fair"? Probably not. But it doesn't matter why!

Monday, August 04, 2008

Happiness within your control

I had Ben and Jerry's ice-cream with my friends yesterday. It was a heart-to-heart talk with these 3 friends of mine. In one of the conversations, it was asked, what is 1 thing that would me happy in the upcoming week?

My friend answered, "Going back on time from work". She further elaborated, "That means leaving by 6pm everyday". I then asked if that is within her control. She replied that it's not. That has to be dependent on the amount of work she has, the post-work events she had to attend and her superiors.

If going back on time will make her happy and that is not within her control, happiness will come as a random event. Her personal happiness is subjected to fate and god's will. Happiness must be within one's control, else doing everything possible might end up being a futile effort.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Mummy 3

I watched this movie 2 days ago. I haven't watched any recently, and this isn't the kind of blockbuster that I would have been waiting for ages. However, it got me thinking about pursuing what you strongly want.

This film is inspired by the idea that a group of people should get in trouble over and over again. This time round, they got into trouble by awakening the Dragon Emperor (from Han Dyansty in China). They believed that their mission is to get them out of said trouble until they all live happily ever after.

Questions went through my mind - they believe strongly for a cause, even at the expense of death. How about me? What am I chasing after in life?