Monday, March 02, 2009

PRIDE will give us the LIGHT

It was an afternoon meeting with our boss. Once again, the tone before the meeting was serious. It's never a laughing matter when it comes to such discussions, let alone one that talks about managing our divisional cost.

Amidst the tension in the air, our boss gave words of inspiration. He talked about the need to stand by our PRIDE.

When he mentioned pride, he clarified, 'It's not about being proud or stuck-up, it's about having passion for our job'. Our division has suffered a drop in revenue in the midst of revenue. Our profits are on the decline. We have made drastic decisions to stay in the black. And he re-iterated to all - that we must do what we can to earn our own salary, we must not let our divisions 'feed' us; only then are we able to keep our heads held high.

I was inspired by his speech. Recent times hasn't been easy for all. His words gave purpose to my reason in the company. It is our PRIDE that will make us FIGHT, it is our PRIDE that will give us the LIGHT, it is our PRIDE that will lead us with MIGHT.

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