Monday, March 02, 2009

I'm just not that into you

From 'Sex and the City' comes another movie of the same genre - 'He's just not that into you'. I watched it, though it's targeted at the female community. It helped, because it gave me an insight into the minds of ladies and allow me to agree wholeheartedly with the movie.

There are many times when I am not interested in ladies. It's obvious - I don't do a follow-up date; no phone calls; late replies; acts busy. It could be a character mismatch or maybe the time is not right. But I don't have to spell out the reason, I only need to bring about my actions (or the lack of it).

Many ladies are just clueless. They could be waiting aimlessly for my call, wishing for a treat or whining for some tender loving care. But don't they get it - a guy will do everything if he wants to impress a lady. If he doesn't, he's just not that into you.

A few ladies are just persistent. One called me repeatedly every few days, another wants to go out with me every other week, yet another sms me on a regular basis. Maybe they need to watch this movie.

I'm single. I'm enjoying my bachelorhood. To ladies out there, I'm just not that into you...

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