Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A battle to keep fit

I signed up for Standard Chartered half-marathon 6 months ago. Standard Chartered half-marathon is now 6 days away. When I completed my 3rd full marathon, I told myself never to do such torturous events onto myself. (At that point in time, I was beginning to lose my exercise regime that I have consistently maintained over the years.) I wondered what came into my mind when I decided to sign up for it again. Maybe a half-marathon isn't as torturous as a full one. Now that I have not even jogged 3km for at least 3 months, I figured that it will be not just a physical race, but a mental one too.
Here are 6 reasons why I think I can do it:
1. I want to complete my 1st half marathon.
2. I want to lose 1 inch off my ever-increasing waist.
3. I want to lose 1 pound from my ever-increasing weight.
4. I want to look 1 year younger than before - with this big dose of exercise.
5. I want to look fit and slim at the start of my 30s.
6. I want to kickstart my exercise regime with my wife-to-be. 

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