Sunday, June 01, 2008

My Hero - Superman

Clark Kent is Superman. He is the man every one wants to be. He is my idol. He is my hero. He is my dream.

There are 3 main elements in Superman:
1. The ability to STRIVE - He exerts significant energy to get the tasks down. And that is because he puts in the best he can in everything. It's never easy to give a 100% commitment to all the tasks at hand. But why are we shortchanging & demeaning ourselves, when we can get things right the 1st time round?

2. Aim for the SKY - These are HIGH targets set. But then again, if you are setting a target, why not make it a stretched one so that you can get the BEST result out of it? I always watch how Superman always aim for the sky. Even if he falls short, no one can blame him as it was a near-impossible mission (to kill that villian).

3. Using your STRENGTHS - Superman utilises his strengths. He knows what he can do - the ability to fly, his speed, his bionic eyes, etc. How many of us know what we are good at? And do we even utilise it or keep our stengths a hush-hush?

Be a Superman - Strive for the Sky with your Strengths

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