Sunday, December 02, 2012

Skyfall - What makes Bond click

I asked why Skyfall is such a great movie. Another James Bond movie, and yet another success. It became the highest-grossing film in the James Bond series. With Daniel Craig starring as Bond, he was what we came to watch for. And this is what makes Bond a great character to watch:

1. Superb agility - He demonstrated his moves in the opening sequel, where he climbed on top of a moving train, jumped from one carriage to another and executed well-timed moves to track the mercenary Patrice down.

2. Sense of loyalty - He decided to make a comeback from the dead when the offices of MI6 were exploded. Earlier on, he was somewhat betrayed by his superior's instruction which led to his injury, but he decided to be faithful to M and fight for MI6's cause.

3. Intelligent deductions - He might not be the best marksmen in town, but he definitely have the brains which outwitted every possible opponent. He kidnapped M to use her as the bait; he went to Skyfall and use that to his strengths; he used the gas canister to take on most of his enemies.
Maybe every movie-goer is hoping to have a bit of him in each of us. Maybe we wished to have a bit of excitement in our lives. Maybe we need to indulge in a bit of fantasy. And that is what makes Bond click!

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