Monday, December 03, 2012

The Movie: Stolen

Stolen is a film about a former thief, Will Montgomery, who was released from prison for a bank robbery of $10 million. Believed to still have the hidden loot, the detectives and his ex-accomplice are monitoring his every move and want him to re-produce the cash. Perceived as the millionaire who refuses to show his cash, he was forced to re-produce his apparent wealth by robbing yet another bank. Through a series of carefully executed moves, Will (starred by Nicolas Cage) managed to pull off another robbery in broad daylight.

Whilst his film character managed to upkeep the perception of 'wealth' through a series of stunts, did the movie live up to its expectations? We always perceived Nicolas Cage as a great actor with a few block-busters (The Rock, Face/Off, National Treasure) to his name, but could he pull off another great stunt to save this movie this time?
Apparently not. With an ageing look and a one-man show, the movie was considered a box office failure. Indeed, 'Stolen' focusses on the central theme of stealing, but that probably didn't work too well for a man past his primes. Perhaps it was the right thing to do to have watched this movie via a 'stolen' DVD at a cost price of S$1.50.

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