Saturday, May 05, 2012

My Mind vs My Body

In most cases, my mind and my body act in unison. Today, there was a disagreement. The weekend has come and there are many things that my mind wants to accomplish - ranging from work, chores, mundane tasks of cleaning up and even jogging at East Coast. Weekends only come once every 7 days and my mind decided that it is only wise that I packed this day with activities.

On the other hand, my body decides that it should have a rest day - a day in which the body can rest its engine and not carry out any physically strenuous exercise.

With 2 conflicting views, there is only going to be 1 winner. In the end, my body performed a winning move - it broke down. With body aches, fever and a sore throat, my body took control of the decision-making process and authorised the shutting down of my system so that I can get the necessary sleep - late in the day and in the evening.

My day was not filled with meaningful activities; it wasn't a fruitful day, but it was a day in which my body required the task of doing nothing to recharge itself in going further.

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