Sunday, May 20, 2012

Keeping Fit is Hard to Do

One of New Year resolutions was to Keep Fit & Be Healthy. It sounded easy, afterall, I used to a healthy and strong athlete. But 4.5 months into the year, I realised that it has become my most difficult resolution to date.

On 16-May (Wed), I finally motivated myself to change into sports wear and exercise during lunch time at my workplace. It was my first time doing such a lunch-time exercise. Some could call it an achievement. But what it probably meant is that I have wasted my past 9 months not utilising such comprehensive sports facilities at my workplace.

Jogging isn't a difficult thing to do. Despite my lack of stamina, I covered 3.2 km in 23min 05sec - on the treadmill. Prepping myself to jog is the difficult thing to do. In the morning, I doubted if I could really accomplish this lunch-time activity. An hour before the jog, I asked if I had more important tasks that could supercede the act of keeping fit. Minutes before leaving my cubicle, I checked if I have more pertinent e-mails to work on.

Now that I have to clear IPPT soon, that has become another impetus for me to keep fit. Maybe that was why I just completed another jog of approximately 3.2km on this morning.

However, as I finish up this blog entry, I re-looked at my paunch and knew that this is just the start of an uphill task - to Keep Fit & Be Healthy. I have just to keep going...

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