Saturday, October 22, 2011

An Evaluator's Worst Nightmare

I was participating at the Division Level Speech Evaluation Contest for the first time. For many years, I have been part of the audience, watching the best showing off their skills. To be competing at such a level is already an honour by itself, but I know I wasn't there to make up the numbers. I was there to prove that I can indeed be amongst the best. But it wasn't an easy journey for me to compete at such a level.

The following was how the nightmare turned out:
1. It started off when I recalled that GC, RL, GH have all represented Cheng San, but they have never gotten into the Top 3.
2. I expected only 5 contestants, but it turned out that there would be 6 contestants - 1 additional rival. In terms of statistics, my chances of being a prize winner has just dropped by 17%.
3. Butterflies began to form in my stomach, as I realised that I am up against a strong field. I knew 4 of the 5 competitors. They were seasoned evaluators who have clocked my milage on the stage than me. My % just dropped a few more notches.
4. The nightmare heightened when balloting begins. As luck has it, I was chosen to go first. That's never a favorable position, because the first evaluator always have to rush through his thoughts and crystallise his speech in a short span of 5 mins.
5. The climax was when the test speaker came up and delivered 3 complex and 'cheem' poems as a speech. Titled 'Poems to Inspire Singaporeans: Patriotism, Tolerance and Forebearance', it took the worst form of torture for all evaluators because it wasn't an ordinary speech, but one which was delivered by a passionate poet. It just brought back memories of how I deserved my 'F' for my literature during Secondary School days.

The mightmare has indeed unfolded...

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