Friday, July 27, 2012

Dreams - Easy to Create, Hard to Hold on

Dreams - I have many of those. No, not those that people have whilst they sleep at night, because I can barely remember them when I wake up. But those dreams that form your goals, and ultimately turn into your accomplishments.
Dreams - I thought of going overseas to work, I dreamed of being a doctor, I imagined the days in which I would be a rich businessman, I considered the possibility of being a pilot... And the list goes on and on.

Moving forth, I realised that these dreams were probably set unrealistically. And so I lowered my expectations and tried to dream of more achieveable goals. And hence, I dreamed of (i) jogging once a week, (ii) planning for my Masters, (iii) setting proper financial and savings plans, etc.

Till date, I created endless dreams - some high and all-mighty, others low and simplistic. Yet they are so hard to achieve.
I am beginning to reflect - on whether there's a need to even dream in the 1st place.

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