Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Success of Cooling Off Day

I watched Cooling Off Day - a sold-out play by Wild Rice. It was re-staged - once again to yet another full house. Maybe because this is one play that every one could associate themselves with or maybe because this is a play that everyone could understand.
'Because there lies this deep hunger', was one of the quotes within this insightful play.

I asked - what this deep hunger is. Is there truly a hunger in people wanting to vote? And if so, why? Is it because citizens now want a choice? Is it because they are starting to 'think'? Or is it because they have been dis-satisified with the ruling party for too long?

In GE 2011, I had the opportunity to vote. To make a careful decision, I read the newspapers and followed the main stream media. I also attended 3 rallies to get an alternative opinion. Afterall, we always questioned the subjectivity of the press releases & how diplomatically correct they sounded.

Maybe it was lack of justice & lack of freedom of the press that led to the success of this production. Maybe audience are surprised at how this play managed to spill out the beans & voice the displeasure amongst all the Singaporeans.

In my personal opinion, I am never in support of the 'Cooling Off' Day prior to the day of voting. But I must say - this Cooling Day production has won my vote.

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