Sunday, December 11, 2011

Job Satisfaction

It's about time I re-evaluate my career switch. Four months ago, I decided to embark on a teaching career, a job that will take me away from the corporate world of business development into the sacrifical nature of enriching children's lives. It took me a lot of courage to do the switch. Afterall, it was a struggle between exploring my passion in teaching & maintaining that high-flier image of climbing the corporate ladder. I chose the former.

4 months down the road, I never regretted that decision. My loved ones & friends were shocked by my decision. Disbelief, coupled with scepticism, were written on their faces. But I held firm to my belief that the decision couldn't have been more correct. While I must admit this job is picking up in pace, I still love the moments when I appreciate the dedication and efforts that students put in, share my goals of seeking new-found knowledge with others and challenge myself to make improvements each day.

What I need to do next is to continue to love my job and embrace the tasks & projects, for I know the commitment I bring into them will eventually add that sparkle to my department, colleagues & students.

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