Thursday, July 10, 2008

3 little pigs

Yesterday, I gave an Advanced Project speech based on the story '3 little pigs'. It was one of the better speeches I have given, as I have prepared and rehearsed several times. This inspiration came from a boy who gave a similar speech in a competition; I then did Internet research, followed by typing out my speech. The process wasn't easy. There are 2 points worth to share - (i) Do something U like and (ii) Building a strong foundation is the essence to producing a good show.

(i) It took me a significant amount of time before I embarked on an Advanced manual. I then realised that it's not that hard, if I only knew that this is what I enjoy doing - storytelling. Today, I discover another aspect of myself - that I love to listen and tell stories.

(ii) The 3rd little pig spent significant amount of time building up his house of bricks. He did not take any short cut. Though this can be tedious, it will pay off when the wolf puts the houses to test. As the saying goes, you reap what you sow. But how many of us are guilty of just producing sloppy work just for the sake of getting it done?

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