Monday, April 22, 2013

Oblivion - Questions to Ponder

Oblivion is a 2013 American science fiction film whose storyline was based on the plane Earth being attacked by aliens known to humans as the Scavengers. Tom Cuise takes on the role of Technician #49 Jack Harper, who is one of the last few humans stationed on the planet. Jack carries out the maintenance and support of 'drones' who are autonomous airborne machines that patrol the landscape .
I read the movie synopsis to better understand the proceedings within the movie. I watched the movie in a comfortable newly-opened, half-empty theatre - GV City Square. As the images of the movie seemed so lifelike that it intrigued me, I started to wonder about the future.

1. What if the moon is destroyed one day? Will Earth still function as normally as it does today?
2. What if we undergo a "security wipe" to erase our memories? How much past will we retain? Or how new a leaf can we become?
3. What if clones of the fittest are carried out? Does it mean humans no longer need to worry about their existence or the implications of Darwin's theory of evolution?
4. What if we lose our sense of curiosity? Does the mere function of our existence, without the occasional pause to appreciate beauty, equate us to clones or even robots?
Maybe we have been too comfortable with our environment that we have been oblivious about our possible future.... Or are we too oblivious about the comfort of our surroundings?

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