Monday, May 06, 2013

The Informant - Should You be the Good Guy?

The Informant is a biographical film that depicts Mark Whitacre's involvement as a whistle-blower in the price-fixing conspiracy of lysine. It stars one of my favourite actors, Matt Damon, & I like this type of roles he has (one other similar movie was that of Good Will Hunting).
It started off as Mark decided to cooperate with the FBI on this organised effort during the early 1990s. That was some initial scepticism by both parties, but Mark decided to get on board. In the process of secretly working with the FBI for 2.5 years, he had to discreetly gather hundreds of hours of video and audio. This was definitely not an easy task, but only with efforts, then the FBI were able to expose all the companies and high-level executives who were involved in such a persasive crime. Yet he ended up with 9 years of jail, 3 times as much as the sentence for high-level executives he managed to expose.

Lessons Learnt:
1. It's not worth being the good guy. Good or bad - it's not for one to judge. Justice will have its take on your deeds.
2. When you want to expose others, make sure you clean your backside. How easy it is to say, but we must always be sure that we are totally righteous before picking on others. Maybe it's time to reflect on oneself first before always pointing fingers.
3. If it ain't broken, why fix it? There was no need for exposure; everyone was benefiting from the situation, yet he chose to rock the boat unnecessarily. Was it because of personal greed? But he forgot that fixing something that ain't broken - might make him the sole culprit for touching that issue in the first place.

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