Saturday, June 23, 2012

Why People Commit Suicide

Recently, there has been a spate of suicide cases - with special attention being given to MBS for its preferred location. I asked - 'Why do people commit suicide? Why do they want to end their lives?' And I seemed to know the answer.

In general, we live - for a purpose. (Sometimes, we set several goals so that we can push ourselves to achieve more out of life.) But when that purpose starts to fade, one might find that there is no more meaning left to live for. Another reason is when there are no more solutions to solve one's problems. (The best example comes from Mediacorp dramas where an actor would commit suicde when he cannot find any further alternatives to pay off his huge outstanding debts.) Whilst suicie might not re-ignite the purpose nor provide the solution, it would definitely end one's suffering.

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