Monday, May 07, 2012

USS - Doing It a Second Time

Usually, most people visit a place of interest once and move on to explore other places of interest. I last visited Universal Studios Singapore (USS) in Jul 2009. 2.5 years has passed and USS is still very much the same, but I believed I could enjoy my 2nd visit just as much. Hence, I embarked on my 2nd outing to USS in Mar 2012.

1. A couple of new additions were included, such as Madagascar: A Crate Adventure - that involved a river boat ride with the 4 movie characters. Transformers The Ride was a surprise. I was expecting a 3D movie, but it encompasses non-stop action and 3D effects on a moving roller-coaster.

2. The roller coasters were functional and thus, I tried both Battlestar Galactica -CYLON & HUMAN. My preference was the CYCLON, because it was more adrenaline pumping - as it involved suspending your legs in mid-air and turning you upside down at high speeds.

3. I spotted rides that I have missed the 1st time - such as Treasure Hunters, Canopy Flyer & Dino-Soarin'. These were the missing rides that also prompted me to re-visit USS - so that I could now boast that I covered every single spot within USS. The Canopy Flyer was the most surprising amongst the three - Meant for children above the age of 6, this roller coaster zipped round Jurassic Park at high speeds with our legs dangling above the air.

4. Interesting rides were repeated - but with a different perspective. For e.g., I was surprisingly thoroughly drenched this time as I sat on the wrong side of the raft for Rapids Adventure. I started my USS journey later and was pleasantly happy to be able to catch Hollywoods Dreams Parade in the evening at 6.15pm.
There are definitely learning points - even though one could be repeating things. The question here is not whether one should be repeating things, but whether one can find enough reasons to make every repeat an interesting experiential journey,

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