Monday, January 10, 2011

Marrying the Mafia II

Ms Hong, the big boss of a powerful group gives a mission to his three sons to find an elite daughter-in-law for his first son In-Jae. In-Jae finally has a crush on a beautiful lady, Jin-Kyung. However, it is found that Jin-Kyung is a criminal prosecutor for violent crimes, which could end the family in hot soup. 

Eventually, In-Jae and Jin-Kyung got together as a couple, but of course, the couple do not end up happily ever after yet. When a gang that Jin-Kyung is investigating on, steps in to challenge the White Tiger Family, Jin-Kyung  was left with no choice but to handcuff In-Jae personally. It was a saddening point within the movie, because work has presided over love.

But as all movies end on a happy note, true love eventually prevailed when she quitted her job as a prosecutor and became the defence lawyer for him in court. Indeed, it was a romantic slapstick comedy about two people on completely different sides of the law falling for each other, but I believed one can draw certain learning points out of every story.

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