Thursday, December 16, 2010

Steve Carell in Date Night

Date Night is a 2010 action comedy film starring Steve Carell and Tina Fey as a married couple from New Jersey who planned to avoid the routine that had become their weekly "date night". Phil Foster (Steve Carell) decides that he will take Claire to a trendy Manhatten restaurant, but they cannot get a table. Phil then takes a reservation from a no-show couple, the Tripplehorns. That was when their unexpected adventure began. I liked to share 2 definite yet random thoughts picked up from this movie.
1. Steve is a flexible actor who can get into different roles easily. I have just watched 'Dinner with Schmucks'. Both movies had him as the lead actor, but the characters in both movies look and behave so differently. I could have thought that they are really different people.

2. Relationships should not be taken for granted. I am glad that 2 years into this relationship with Sy and our sparks are still going strong. It feels as if we are constantly in the honeymoon stage of dating. We went for a romantic and private dinner date at Hogs Breath Cafe after a ROM lunch with everyone in the afternoon. [Incidentally, we were bummed off two restaurants because we cannot get a table.] That's what I called our 'Date Night'.

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