Thursday, April 22, 2010

Feeling Unappreciated

As I live in this world, I always like to fill it up with optimism and hope. Today, I realise that maybe I shouldn't.
     I feel that I am taken for granted. People tend to focus on a singular trivial matter and blow it up, negating all the good things that I have done. Sometimes, I wonder - then why be such a good guy?
     I feel that I have been taken for granted:
- By Toastmasters
- By my loved ones

People should realise that it takes 2 hands to clap. If they want the club to help them, then they must first help the club. Without its existence, they wouldn't be there too. If they want to be cared for, then they must first care for others. Without the relationship, there wouldn't be love too.
As dark clouds cover my sunny world, I wonder when the weather will turn out fine once more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm a lil shocked to see this entry. But still... i'm sure there'll still be someone in tm who appreciates what you do. Take heart!