Sunday, June 15, 2008

As smooth as SILK?

I was taught this phrase "as smooth as silk". Today, I questioned how true it can be. I had a query to make at SilkAir. I gave the 24hr hotline number a ring. Guess what? I was put on the waiting end because it was busy. There was some smoothing music, but I can't believe that I had to wait for 25 minutes. And I still wasn't answered by anyone.

I was very perturbed. I couldn't believe I lost to SilkAir's test of endurance.

A cool 3 hours later, I decided to have another go at it. This time round, I managed to get through to an operator within a minute. It wasn't that bad, I thought. I asked the operator on the details of changing a return journey of an air ticket. The end result - It can't be done and I have to call SilkAir on a working day to enquire again.

As smooth as Silk? I don't really believe in such a phrase anymore. SilkAir fell short of my expectations. Instead of providing quality service, it joined the group of budget airlines in being a no-frills, long-queue airline provider.

I sat and pondered. Aren't we supposed to develop our competitive edge and differentiate ourselves from the rest? Or have we learnt how to adopt to the mass and forget about how to be best...

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